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Blog – You’re Never Too Old to Start


Blog – You’re Never Too Old to Start

You’re Never Too Old to Start

You’re Never Too Old

I didn’t find Bikram Yoga until I was 60. I did not play any sports in my youth, running a mile was a chore and yoga didn’t really exist in my teens/twenties. I started playing recreation sports in college but that dwindled after I graduated. Eventually I got comfortable on a bike. Road bike, mountain bike, it didn’t matter. I liked the outdoors and felt such accomplishment.

Fast forward 25 years and the popularity of yoga was growing. My husband started practicing Bikram yoga and loved it. He encouraged me to try it but I really didn’t have much interest. It didn’t seem like a sport or even exercise to me.  The whole mind-body-spirit thing was a little out of my comfort zone. My husband kept encouraging me, describing the poses and how I might like the consistency and progression he found in the sequence of the postures that were the same in every class. He assured me that it didn’t matter what the person next to me was doing, it was my journey and my progression that mattered.

I started to think about it. The next hurdle for me was the heat and the length of the class. A 90 minute class seemed long but when I put it in perspective, my bike rides were typically longer. This would not be an issue. But what about the heat? I was slightly concerned about 105 degrees with humidity. I am not a fan of hot weather. He suggested that I try 2-3 classes. If it was too much, I could rest on my mat.

I was finally willing to give it a try. Well, I DID have to sit down in that first class but I made it to the end. To my surprise, I had great energy after cooling down. I felt fresh and ready to tackle the day. No one was watching me or judging me. I did well on several poses, not so well on others but that was alright. It WAS my own journey. I knew that I would be back I knew I would improve. After 3 classes, I was used to the heat. After 10 classes, I was seeing a lot of improvement and I was actually craving going to class. I felt better physically AND mentally!

If you’re concerned that it will be too hard, too hot, too boring doing the same sequence, let that go. You are different every time you practice which makes every class different. A pose that you mastered yesterday might be challenging today or vice versa. Other days might be a struggle outside of class and practicing will allow you to leave that at the door and find clarity. It’s the same but different every time.

As summer winds down and the kids go back to school, make the decision to carve out some YOU time. I invite you to give it a try. Embrace it. Conquer it. Love it. It just might change your life. It changed mine.

Namaste, Nancy


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